Sunday, February 20, 2011

Divide and Conquer

Does anyone care that the budget repair bill would give the administration sweeping new powers to revamp and even gut Medicaid programs?

All this while the majority of businesses pay no taxes? Yes, I understand that the owners of these companies pay personal income taxes, but this just isn't right. Especially in light of the fact that this governor also has no interest in raising the taxes on the wealthiest segment of the population. Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton figured this out:

People only seem to care when actions impact them. It's time to spread this pain across the board. This problem is too big to be placed on the backs of public servants and those that need medicaid programs.

There's one voice of reason in the legislature. Senator Dale Schultz want's a sunset clause placed on collective bargaining. See:
I'm not a union employee so this does nothing for me. I do wonder if there would be any reason to trust this administration in two years? However, the governor has said he is unwilling to bargain, because he has no money to bargain with. What happens when this budget crisis is solved? Is this about busting unions or solving the deficit?

This isn't about me. It isn't about the unions. It's about addressing a significant deficit fairly. That will take time. That will take leadership. Who's going to provide the leadership? Where are the moderate republicans when we need them? Are there any left? I thought this was about being "bold"?

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